Who we are and why

Allow me, Nina, Tobi and André. Enthusiastic, creative, open-minded – and without a sense of humor, it’s no fun for us. We love music, art and culture – the playful as well as the solid, always with a clear focus on the project goal. Once started as studio 90419 with our own photo studio in the Johannis district of Nuremberg, we have now moved our headquarters to Hersbruck because it is closer to the lake. But the Franconian capital remains our hotspot, and from there we travel around the world. The longest distance to a customer is approx. 9,400 km. Our most distant (freelance) colleague has to travel 7,200 km to get a coffee.

For us there are no limits, only quality counts. And we approach our projects with this in mind – whether small or large. The mix of a permanent team and a pool of freelance specialists in specific fields makes us a flexible and highly interesting agency. We promise!


1 / 10


2 / 10

Wie hätten wir die Agentur fast genannt?

3 / 10

Wer von uns hat Filmwissenschaften studiert?

4 / 10

Wer hat den Song Zuhaus für Bela B komponiert und eingespielt? (Zu hören in unserer Spotify Playlist)

5 / 10

Wie viele Dateien liegen aktuell auf Ninas Desktop?

6 / 10

Wer läuft während der Arbeit mindestens 10.000 Schritte am Tag?

7 / 10

Wer wurde schon einmal in einem Mordfall verhört?

8 / 10

Wer hat sich schon mal ernsthaft wegen eines Plattenspielers gestritten?

9 / 10

Wer von uns war hessicher Meister*in in Rope Skipping (Seilspringen)?

10 / 10

Wer spielt im Film Resistance - Widerstand mit?

Your score is

The average score is 56%
